Montag, 4. Juni 2012


Frederick was thinking about the apartment which
he would occupy over there, on the plan of a drama,
on subjects for pictures, on future passions. He was
beginning to find that the happiness merited by the
excellence of his soul was slow in arriving. He
declaimed some melancholy verses as he walked
rapidly along the deck till he reached the end at
which the bell was....

...L'Art Industriel was a hybrid establishment,
wherein the functions of an art journal and a pictureshop
were combined. Frederick remembered seeing
this title several times in the bookseller's window in
his native place on bi-g prospectuses, on which the
name of Jacques Arnoux displayed itself magisterially....

...The harpist approached them with an air of humility.
While Arnoux was searching his pockets for
money, Frederick stretched out toward the cap his
closed hand, and then, opening it in a shamefaced
manner, he deposited in the cap a louis d'or. It was
not vanity that had prompted him to bestow this alms
in her presence, but the hope of a blessing in which
he felt she might share an almost religious impulse
of the heart....

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